Explore the clinical data supporting the benefits of water-only fasting, an amazing natural approach to restoring and maintaining optimum health.
Finally, the Truth about Fasting
Toshia Myers, PhD
Toshia Myers, PhD, and Alan Goldhamer, DC, reveal why medically supervised water-only fasting allows cells, tissues, and organs to recover from conditions that are often considered unresolvable with
traditional medicine.
Meticulously researched, this book takes a deep dive into the clinical data that supports the many benefits of water-only fasting, shining a light on this amazing natural approach to restoring and maintaining optimum health.
Alan Goldhamer, DC
Rave Reviews
"If you are a researcher, a clinician or average person interested in reversing or preventing disease with fasting, the information in this book could save your life."
Rich Roll
Author of Finding Ultra, Host of The Rich Roll Podcast
"Can Fasting Save Your Life? is the best book about fasting available. It offers clinical insights and is a clarion call to the research community to study this neglected lifestyle intervention."
Michael Greger, MD
Author of How Not to Die and Founder of Nutritionfacts.org
"Whether you are a physician or a layperson, this exceptional book
provides a rare opportunity for clarity in how to optimize the healing process. Once you see how well fasting works, you will never look at health problems in the same way."
Douglas Lisle, PhD
Coauthor, The Pleasure Trap
"If you are bewildered by the varieties of fasting, read Dr. Myers’ and Dr. Goldhamer’s Can Fasting Save Your Life? Theirs is the voice of pioneering experts with unsurpassed encyclopedic knowledge in this emerging, life-saving discipline."
Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD
Author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
"This is the definitive guide about fasting, the science behind it, and how to do it right. This powerful approach to health provides new tools for physicians and has been life-changing for countless individuals."
Neal D. Barnard, MD, FACC
President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and Adjunct Professor, George Washington University School of Medicine
"Fasting is an important tool to facilitate healing and recovery and has many important therapeutic applications. This book brings the olden art of fasting (and a healthy diet) into modern healthcare where it belongs."
Joel Fuhrman, MD
7x New York Times bestselling author
"Once you see how well fasting works, you will never look at health problems in the same way."
Douglas J. Lisle, PhD
Coauthor, The Pleasure Trap
Fasting By the Numbers
In Can Fasting Save Your Life? you’ll find persuasive clinical data about the benefits of water-only fasting.
Reductions in Blood Pressure
Changes in Total Weight and Total Fat Mass
Changes in Visceral Fat Mass
Comparison of Hypertension Treatments
"The best and last hope I have been able to offer my patients over the past 40 years is a water fast under the direction of Dr. Alan Goldhamer. Water is the ultimate no fat, low cholesterol treatment that every person should try before declaring defeat."
John McDougall, MD
Founder of the McDougall Program
"This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in optimizing their health or in understanding the phenomenon of fasting. Adhering to the recommendations included in this book might just elevate and prolong the quality of your life."
Joseph Brimhall, DC
President and CEO, University of Western States
"No longer just the stuff of stories, fasting has cutting edge research to back up its efficacy. In this book you will learn about the history, the anecdotes and the 21st century science on fasting. You will learn from the world’s foremost expert in the clinical application of fasting on just how powerful fasting really is and why it might just save your life."
Stephan Esser, MD
Author and Motivational Speaker; Cofounder and Director, Esser Health
"It is long past time for the healing professions and the public to learn about, utilize and benefit from the healing powers unleashed by water-only fasting and Can Fasting Save Your Life? provides the needed guidance. It is an easy, informative read—and, yes, might even help to save your life!"
Michael Klaper, MD
Director, Moving Medicine Forward Initiative
"If you’re seeking concrete answers and a clear approach to better well-being, then reading Can Fasting Save Your Life? will give you a definitive answer. Spoiler alert: the answer is a resounding yes!"
Jeff Nelson
Founder, VegSource Interactive